Enhancing coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of 2008 SNA



$ 912,000

01 Jun 2017

30 Jun 2023

10 May 2016 Excom session 84

World Bank

Central Asia, Eastern Europe, The Caucasus

The objective of the project is to increase the capacity of countries in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia in compiling national accounts and supporting statistics according to the recommendations of international statistical standards. The project strategy include achievement of the following results (i) increased capacity of national statistical offices to produce national accounts statistics and improved quality of national accounts statistics in areas of priority identified in regional and national implementation plans; (ii) increased capacity of national statistical offices to produce consumer price indices and improved price statistics or inflation measurement and for compilation of national accounts aggregates at constant prices; iii) increased capacity of national statistical offices to produce statistical business registers and improvement of the quality and coverage of the statistical business registers; (iv) Increased capacity of national statistical offices to produce migration and remittances statistics and improvement of statistics for the informal sector and remittances. Beneficiary countries are Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia coutries (National Statistical Offices, Ministries of Finance and Central Banks).