Safer and Cleaner New and Used Vehicles



$ 99,600

01 Jan 2024

30 Sep 2025

04 Dec 2023


Building on the outcome of and experience gained during the phase 1 of the UNRSF project “Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa” (June 2020 - December 2022, E358) the Informal Working Group on Safer and Cleaner Used and New Vehicles (IWG on SCUNV) was established (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1161 para 112-113) for low- and middle-income countries by the World Forum for the harmonization of vehicle regulations (WP.29), with the aim to develop sets of minimum technical requirements for new and used vehicles as pertaining to their safety and environmental conditions. The IWG shall take full account of developments and work in full cooperation with other subsidiary Working Parties (GRs) of WP.29 and their IWGs. The objective is to improve national capacities for the establishment of internationally harmonized requirements for safer and cleaner used and new vehicles for low- and middle-income countries.