Promoting a better understanding of the role of inland transport in combating climate change through strong mitigation and adaptation actions



$ 73,000

01 Jan 2024

31 Dec 2025

Part of Programme of Work


UNECE member States

The objective of the project is to promote better understanding of the role of inland transport in combating climate change through strong mitigation and adaptation actions. The project will have two components; (i) to raise awareness among senior-level representatives of ECE member States of the important role the inland transport sector can play in combating climate change and to take stock/ showcase and promote the many ongoing and planned regulatory and practical efforts aimed at decarbonizing the sector, and at strengthening transport system climate change preparedness through the adoption of appropriate adaptation and resilience measures; and  (ii) to support, through targeted capacity building, countries from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia with the development of policies that are conducive to modal shift from road to rail and inland waterways thereby promoting multimodal transport operations along their corridors and enhancing the environmental performance of these transport routes. In doing so, the project will support the UNECE Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (WP.5) in fulfilling its mandate to assume the unique role of a transport “think tank” and in the implementation of its 2020-2030 long term programme of work.