Strengthening capacities of UNECE member States to develop evidence-based policy measures to meet the commitments under MIPAA/RIS and the 2022 Rome Ministerial Declaration Ageing (Ageing - Phase 4) - ensuite E345


Housing, land management and population

$ 250,000

01 Jan 2024

31 Dec 2025

04 Dec 2023

Group of Sponsors

UNECE member States

The objective of the project is to strengthen the capacities of UNECE member States to address the challenges and opportunities of population ageing. In 2023, the Standing Working Group on Ageing developed a multi-year programme of work (2023-2027) for regional cooperation to support the implementation of the commitments under the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, its Regional Implementation Strategy for the UNECE region (MIPAA/RIS) and the 2022 Rome Ministerial Declaration on Ageing. The project will contribute to strengthen capacity through enhanced knowledge on and guidance for the development of evidence-based policy measures.