Information on urban tree and forest cover and biodiversity
Forests and the forest industry
$ 38,420
01 Aug 2024
31 Jul 2025
01 Jul 2024
UNECE member States
The objective of the proposed project is to enhance the availability and quality of data and metrics on urban tree and forest cover in cities, to support efforts to assess their contribution to biodiversity, climate, and society. This can guide evidence based learning an action by public, private, and civil society. Urban nature, including trees and forests, play a critical role in preserving biodiversity, mitigating and adapting to climate change, and delivering numerous benefits to society such as improved physical and mental health, cooler cities and increased flood resilience. This can deliver on many SDGs, the Paris Agreement, Sendai Framework, Convention on Biological Diversity, New Urban Agenda and other local, national and global agreements and goals. Establishing and maintaining the right trees in the right place at the right time can greatly enhance the benefits of urban forests and nature. This requires sound long-term and inclusive planning to ensure benefits are delivered for all. In this context, there is a need to better understand the extent, composition and state of urban forests and trees to inform this long-term planning and sustainable urban forest management. The project will review existing metrics and frameworks to assess outcomes of urban forestry for biodiversity, climate and society and assess whether standard metrics may facilitate action by improving data quality and availability. This would enhance the capacity of local and national policymakers to identify areas of greatest need and opportunity to support urban trees and forests as a nature-based solution to deliver local, national and global goals, and to develop policies, target resources accordingly and foster implementation. Similarly, the use of standard metrics will help to increase the credibility of reported outcomes from urban forestry resulting from public, private and civil society actions, financing and investment.
No data available.