Promoting accession to Water Convention Phase 2 (ensuite E328)



$ 3,225,806

01 Jul 2022

31 Dec 2024

Part of Programme of Work

European Union 2

UNECE member States

As of March 2016, the Water Convention, serviced by UNECE, was opened to all United Nations Member States. Chad and Senegal were the first countries outside of the pan-European region to accede to the Convention in 2018. Ghana and Guinea Bissau acceded as new African Parties respectively in June 2020 and June 2021, while Togo completed its accession process with the deposit of its accession instrument in September 2021. The universalization of the Convention, therefore, provides great opportunities to strengthen transboundary water cooperation worldwide. The overall objective of the action is to foster the application of the principles of the Convention and the improvement of cooperation in the management of transboundary waters, both surface and groundwater, at the national, basin and regional level in different continents in particular in the countries/ regions/ basins having shown an interest in the Water Convention.