Support to the implementation of the UNECE Air Convention in the EECCA region – phase III
$ 729,663
01 Dec 2021
30 Nov 2024
Part of Programme of Work
European Union 2
Central Asia, Eastern Europe, The Caucasus
The overall objective of the project is reducing air pollution and its negative impacts on human health and environment through improved accession to and implementation of the Air Convention and its substantive key protocols among countries in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan). In the previous project phases, good results have been achieved and progress has been made. The most successful and appreciated actions so far have been linked to four main types of action: technical support on emission data reporting; workshops on the implementation and use of Best Available Techniques (BATs) to reduce emissions at key sources; awareness-raising of the benefits of implementing the Air Convention; and support to coordination and information sharing within the region. In terms of quality of the report submissions, countries have improved their capacities to develop emission inventories, however, in most cases, submissions are still only partly in line with the Air Convention’s requirements. In particular, coverage of full time series, various key categories, projections and gridded data are missing in most inventories.