Building Cross-border Cooperation for Sustainable Trade in the SPECA subregion



$ 249,300

01 Sep 2021

31 Dec 2025

08 Jul 2021

Russian Federation

Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

The project intends to strengthen the capacities of the SPECA landlocked countries to formulate policies and implement innovative solutions for sustainable regional trade focused on improved use of water and other resources for agricultural trade. This objective supports the SPECA countries in their capacity-building efforts towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and addressing the need to review trade practices and build regional cooperation among the SPECA countries. The project focuses on (a) trade and agriculture, notably regarding the efficiency of the use of water and other resources for export products or parts of products in cross-border trade in the SPECA region; (b) balanced development of intraregional supply chains built on the principles of sustainable trade. The project creates an analytical basis and policy recommendations for decision-makers in the subregion on how to create an enabling environment for sustainable trade in the SPECA subregion.