Towards integrated national financing framework

2124A (ECI)

Economic cooperation and integration

$ 255,500

01 Mar 2021

30 Jun 2024

31 Dec 2020

UN regular Budget

Burkina Faso, Belarus, Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Zambia

This project aims to support selected countries to mobilize and align financing with national sustainable development priorities, in particular in the context of addressing the significant impacts of COVID-19 on both SDG-related financing needs and on availability of public and private financial resources for such expenditure and investment. It further raims to foster regional and global knowledge exchange, ensuring peer learning at the regional level and knowledge transfer at the global level, to better link global policy processes to national and regional implementation. To this end, the project is structured around the following sequential steps: (i) preparation of targeted global guidance material, building on ongoing work to develop guidance for the design and implementation of INFFs, and including a baseline assessment of progress; (ii) diagnostic exercises at the country level (if needed) to identify capacity gaps; (iii) technical assistance, training workshops and capacity trainings in target countries; (iv) regional exchange to share implementation experiences and facilitate peer learning; and  (v) global knowledge exchange and publication of training material and policy recommendations for countries implementing INFFs.