Sustainable mobility and smart connectivity (trade and transport nexus) in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Western Balkans



$ 528,000

01 Jan 2021

31 Dec 2024

31 Dec 2020

UN regular Budget

Albania, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, The Caucasus, Western Balkans

The project will support the development of sustainable mobility and smart connectivity in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Western Balkans. This is fundamental as a key response to the COVID-19 situation and to facilitating a shift to a transport system that aids in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The project aims to develop the capacity of member States to implement sustainable mobility and connectivity policies, specifically by increasing the knowledge base and skills of institutional and sectoral stakeholders in relation to UN inland transport and trade legal instruments. This will be done initially through the development of the Smart and Sustainable Connectivity E-Learning Platform (SSCELP) that will include training material on sustainable mobility and connectivity tied to the legal instruments but also to the development of appropriate policy tools to implement the requirements of legal instruments, standards and guidelines. Following the development of the E-Learning Platform, targeted capacity building activities aimed at increased the ability of national stakeholders to implement sustainable mobility and smart connectivity policies will be organized in the form of regional, and where necessary national, workshops as well as the preparation of targeted action plans for the implementation of the action plans.