Building capacities of UNECE member States for integrated urban planning and accelerating achieving urban-related SDGs through exchange of best practices and developing an online Toolbox


Housing, land management and population

$ 109,529

01 Sep 2023

31 Dec 2024

06 Jul 2023 Excom session 129


UNECE member States

The UNECE Regional Action Plan “Place and Life in the ECE Region: Tackling challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, climate and housing emergencies in region, city, neighbourhood and homes”, as endorsed by the UNECE Ministerial Meeting on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management on 6 October 2021, supports governments in the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis through the sharing of examples and good practices in facilitating investments and promoting the “building better” approach. The Action Plan also highlights the need to rethink urban planning to ensure it addresses measures to overcome natural and man-made disasters, the climate crisis and to build more resilient, inclusive and sustainable cities. To support implementation of the Regional Action Plan, the proposed project will promote exchange of experiences and best practices in urban planning, for instance, innovative measures such as development of urban cadastres and strengthen capacities of national, regional and local governments in the UNECE region to implement the Action Plan objectives and targets and support sustainable urban development and urban resilience solutions.

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