Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa and Asia (Phase 2)



$ 133,830

01 Apr 2023

31 Oct 2025

16 Mar 2023

UNDP MPTF (Multi-Partner Trust Fund)

Cambodia, Mongolia

Building on the success and experience of phase 1 of the UNRSF project “Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa” (approved by EXCOM on 29 May 2020, duration 1 June 2020 – 31 December 2022), this phase 2 will expand to Central and Southern African Region as well as Asian Countries with additional exporters and importing countries and partners, have ongoing and planned complementary projects, in South and Central Africa, Cambodia, and Mongolia, that will allow faster rollout of activities of the project sub-regions and countries lack standards and regulations for the import of used vehicles. Due to this, a large share of the used vehicles imported cause more road accidents resulting in fatalities and severe injuries as well as high pollutant and climate emissions. The project's objective is to put regulations, standards, and processes in place to ensure that importing countries will only receive quality used vehicles; and that exporting countries agree to minimum technical requirements in transferring used vehicles.Beneficiary countries: At regional, sub-regional and national level, project countries have prioritized and requested support to regulate imports of used vehicle fleets in Africa and Asia (Southern Africa, Central Africa, Asia - Cambodia and Mongolia)