Building resilient, climate adaptive and economically viable transport infrastructure networks – Phase II



$ 128,200

01 Dec 2022

31 Dec 2025

30 Nov 2022 Excom session 125


Central Asia, Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, The Caucasus

The current project builds further on the achievements reached so far in the framework of the project titled "Building resilient, climate adaptive and economically viable transport infrastructure networks” (E387).  It serves as a phase II of this project and aims at strengthening the capacities of national experts from Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, and Southeastern Europe as well as from other interested developing countries to adapt their transport systems to climate change challenges and strengthen the development of high-quality cycling networks at national and international levels. In doing so, the project will support the UNECE Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (WP.5) in fulfilling its mandate to assume the unique role of a transport “think tank” in the framework of ITC. In particular, the six clusters of work of the Working Party are: (i) development of transport networks and/or links; (ii) transport infrastructure data; (iii) transport and climate change (i.e. to assist the Group of Experts on  Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Inland Transport (WP.5/GE.3)); (iv) inland transport security; (v) sustainable urban mobility, cycling and public transport (i.e. to assist the Group of Experts on Cycling Infrastructure Module (WP.5/GE.5)); and (vi) Review and monitoring of emerging issues and sustainable development goals. Both WP.5 subsidiary bodies GE.3 and GE.5 have inter-regional mandates and in accordance with their rules of procedure allow for participation of representatives from United Nations member States. Under its renewed mandate GE.3 actively seeks to engage developing countries in the Western Mediterranean region.