Enhanced adaptation of transport systems to climate change



$ 74,000

01 Oct 2020

31 Dec 2025

05 Oct 2020 Excom session 111


Central Asia, Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, The Caucasus, UN member States

The objective of the project is to enhance adaptation of transport systems to climate change by supporting activities of the Group of Experts on the assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation for inland transport. The establishment of the Group was approved by EXCOM at its meeting on 20 May 2020 (decision No.11) and endorsed by EXCOM at its meeting on 10th of July. The Group of Experts is tasked to: (ii) raise awareness, build capacity and integrate knowledge from countries and the scientific community on climate change impact assessment and adaptation for inland transport, and (ii) advance the state of knowledge on, and the analysis of climate change impacts on inland transport, and the identification of suitable and cost-effective adaptation measures. Mandate and the terms of reference can be consulted at htt1r//www.unece.org/fileadrnin/DAM/trans/doc/2020/itc/ECE-TRANS-2020-6e.12df.