Enhancing understanding of the implications and opportunities of moving to carbon neutrality in the UNECE region across the power and energy intensive industries by 2050


Sustainable Energy

$ 750,000

01 Jun 2020

31 Oct 2023

17 Feb 2020 Excom session 109

Group of Sponsors

UNECE member States

The objective of the project is to enhance the understanding of the implications of and opportunities for moving to carbon neutrality (or to net-zero societies) in the {JNECE region across the power and energy intensive industries by 2050. "Carbon neutrality" refers to achieving net zero carbon emissions by balancing carbon emissions with carbon removal or simply by elirninating carbon emissions altogether. This will require deployment of carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies (CCUS) and other compensating technologies such as increasing the absorptive capacity of forests that would enable the persistence of fossil fuels in national energy mixes well beyond 2050.