Enhancing strategic environmental assessment and transboundary environmental impact assessment in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus



$ 2,579,670

01 Sep 2018

30 Apr 2024

04 Jul 2018 Excom session 99

European Union 2

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine

Objective and brief summary of the project: 

The main objective of the project is to enhance strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and transboundary environmental impact assessment (EIA) in six beneficiary countries with a view to preventing and mitigating damage to the environment and health from the economic growth. The project aims to reinforce and sustain the results achieved in the countries so far by ensuring that their newly established legislation on SEA and EIA is complemented with secondary regulations, fully aligned with the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention), its Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (Protocol on SEA), and systematically applied for greening national economies and for sustainable development. The project will improve environmental governance by enhancing transparency of decision-making, cross-sectoral cooperation, public participation and stakeholder consultation. The project will promote transboundary and regional cooperation in assessing environmental impacts.