Modernising Statistical Production Phase 3



$ 600,000

01 Jul 2019

31 Dec 2023

29 May 2019 Excom session 105

Group of Sponsors

UN member States

Objective and brief summary of the project: 
The objective of the project is to strengthen capacities of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of Conference of European Statisticians (CBS) countries to modernize their statistical production by pooling together resources and jointly develop models, tools, services, capabilities and fran;ieworks that are needed to address the challenges NSOs face in producing the statistics needed to measure and monitor the SDGs and other internationally agreed development goals. NSOs are faced with number of challenges of the ever-changing data ecosystem and increasing demand for statistics National policy makers need timely and disaggregated statistics in a broad range of new and existing areas. The commitment to "leaving no one behind" means that statistics have to be compiled for people such as women, youth, persons with disabilities, older people, refugees, migrants, the poor, and other vulnerable groups. Availability of non-traditional data sources such as administrative data and various Big Data sources can potentially produce new statistics or serve as an alternative for traditional sources. Methods and techniques must be developed to produce reliable statistics for official use. The proposed project will support the activities and outcomes of the work program decided by the High-Level Group on Modernization of Statistics (HLG-MOS) for the project period.